J.M. Thomason Logo


LOgo Design

Illustration & Design



Joel Anderson

The Project

For many years, J.M. Thomason Spices has been supplying restaurants and other commercial businesses with bulk orders of exotic spices. They asked us to design a new logo that would accurately depict their brand and their unique products.

The Challenge

How does one design a logo that is old-timey and Southern but which also depicts a modern-day business that provides top-quality spices from around the world? We had to weave both elements into the J.M. Thomason logo.

The Solution

We used a combination of strategic word choices, highlighted how long J.M. Thomason has been in business, and depicted the brand’s commitment to its local roots.

Concept Sketches

We sketched several variations before setting our sights on one that was both poetic and graceful in its weaving, hand-lettered text but also down to earth and local with its parchment-style appearance and vintage color palette.

Color Rendering

One look at the color rendering and the type font and one can see this brand has been around for a long time. Reading the line “Est. 1961” confirms the notion.

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